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 Bruce Lee Training

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Join date : 2008-06-20

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PostSubject: Bruce Lee Training   Bruce Lee Training I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 11:37 pm

So I was browsing through today, and one of their new articles is about Bruce Lee and the training he did.

Here's the article
The Tao of the Iron

Well it says that Bruce Lee had one of the lowest body fat percentages of athletes in his day, but focused more on agility, quickness, and explosiveness. Now I know Bruce Lee is one of the greatest fighters ever, and even created his own fighting technique.

My Question is:
If Bruce Lee is so famous for his fight scenes in movies and just fighting over all, then why does it seem like more people are going for the bulky jacked look, instead of the lean mean fighting machine look. His workout just seems so much more efficient
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PostSubject: Re: Bruce Lee Training   Bruce Lee Training I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 9:54 pm

A couple of things immediately come to mind, first, it is all about what your goals are. Secondly, I dont think there are many people out there that have the same drive and dedication to anything they do like Bruce Lee had to fighting. He is considered the greatest ever for a reason. Also, when thinking about peoples goals with their training, I dont think enough people set goals to train for, or their goals are just not legitimate. I can speak from experience, I have had no goals lately and my training has been inconsistent at best.
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Join date : 2008-06-20

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PostSubject: Re: Bruce Lee Training   Bruce Lee Training I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 11:32 pm

its not so much the dedicated goals that throws me off. Its the point that Bruce Lee was a complete bad ***, and at the weight of 135 pounds with almost no body fat percentage. He was so efficient with his weight that he didn't need to squat 1000 pounds and bench 500 pounds, but could still beat up the guy who could.

It just seems like he looked at strength training completely different than trainers today do. I don't know maybe hes just an exception, but to be that dominant and not need weight and numbers to back him up just seems really interesting to me. (I wouldn't mind squatting 1000 pounds though haha)
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PostSubject: Re: Bruce Lee Training   Bruce Lee Training I_icon_minitime

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