I would keep the same template consisting of max effort/ dynamic effort/ and repetition work. I would back off on max effort days and only go to a 3-5rep max, no max effort singles during the competition season. All repitetion and dynamic work could remain the same as off season. I would set up my training days like this:
Mon.-max effort lower body 3-5RM(after main lift hit hams, glutes, lower back, abs)
Tues.-max effort upper body 3-5RM(train triceps, shoulders, lats after main lift)
Wed.-agility/conditioning(absolutely no weight training on this day)
Thurs.-dynamic effort lower body(box squats just below parallel)
Fri.-repetition effort upper body(alternate w/ dynamic work every other week)
I can't promise this will make you win ball games, but I will guarantee big, strong, quick athletes.