I usually rotate my lifts every two weeks, some do it every three. We will usually do a 5Rm and 3RM for a lift, or I may prescribe a % and do say 4 X whatever according to prilipins table or pyramid the %'s. I choose exercises according to what season it is, (in-season, off-season, pre-season) and whatever weaknesses I see that the majority of my kids have. We may do board presses to help with our lock out for example. I will almost always not allow kids in season to do a 5RM or 3RM on lower body lifts, especially DL's. I will prescribe the weight for them. After we go through our rotation of lifts we will come back to a specific exercise and do a 5 and 3 rep max again. They look back in their journals and see what they did earlier in the semester
and obviously try to set a new pr. Along with pre testing and post testing 1 RM's, pro shuttle, vertical and forties, my kids will usually get 12 to 15 opportunuties to see improvement over the course of the semester. They will do the same on upper rep days. We will rotate BP, DB press, and push-ups and starting on the fourth week of school, they get an opportunity to see improvements. We are currently using the four day Joe DeFranco WSFSB split. Hope this makes sense.