I was wondering if anyone else enjoyed Jays new article as much as I did. I think there were some great points made. Jay and I attended the certification class together and one thing that kept coming up in discusion was the catching and controlling of the weight, the deceleration of the weight. We were put through the paces by Coach Stockell and if you have never performed the o lifts yourself, I highly recomend the club coach certification course. Even if you have been performing and/ or teaching them for years, you can learn so much from this course. I thought Travis made a good point in his article as well. I know organization is a problem for some. I also hear from people from time to time who are two, three weeks into a program and they are not seeing the results they were hoping for, so they are ready to scrap it and move on to something else. I am probably guilty of expecting too much immediate gratification at times and I have to remind myself that it doesn't happen over night for me or my kids.