With school starting up soon I was wondering what everyone did for pre-measures in class. We use our maxes to ability group the students. In other words, we have three groups- clean, bench and squat. For the clean group we do hang / power cleans, hang / power snatch, clean pull, high pull, etc. For the bench group we bench, towel bench, close-grip, incline, bent-row and standing press. For squat we... well squat! (and deadlift, r.d.l.) After starting off very, very slow (some of the dirtiest looks I get are from strong kids that lift the bar for a week) we max on bench, even though we teach everything else. A week later (about mid third week) we bench again and clean. Then, about four weeks later we do all three. So, at first we only have one group, but a week later two and after weeks four all three. Then, each time they max again they have a new group(s). Take note, our weight room has no bells and whistles- 18 racks and 6 platforms. Every spot is numbered and they are assigned three numbers. We train three days a week total body. Anyway, that's another topic. Just wondering if everyone maxes on the big three and if so, when.